Busy Weeks & Slow Weekends
July for me was largely about busy weeks and slow weekends.
Nowadays, I listen to my body and allow myself time to rest at the weekend if that's what I need, and after a very full work schedule, I have really been ready for some quiet time pottering at home.
The one exception to this was a lovely weekend at our store, 49 Hilton Street, where I had great fun styling up my favourite khaki co-ord and enjoying some fizz with our visitors.
The highlight of last month from a work perspective was seeing the new SS25 Beaumont Organic Collection hanging in our new London Showroom, Palladio.
The colours of the range really shine in a whitewashed space, and Palladio has a perfect one.
This trip to London also marked the beginning of our SS25 wholesale selling season. I know this sounds crazy, but that is how far ahead we work as a slow fashion brand. This month we are also signing off many of the new fabrics for AW25!! There are so many small details and considerations that go into every collection that this is how far ahead we must start.
I hope you had a great July, that you are enjoying August so far, and that the sun has started to shine a little wherever you are so we can all enjoy weather that feels a bit more like summer!
All my best wishes,