Reflecting On September

While writing this I am wrapped up recovering from a little cold following what has been an incredibly busy month of work, travel and play. Is it just me who always ends up with a sniffle after travelling?
Anyone who follows me on Instagram will probably think I was holidaying for the whole month, but I can assure you a lot of hard work was going on behind the scenes!
First, we enjoyed a few days at REST + WILD early in the month to celebrate Nelson and my 23rd anniversary, which was BEAUTIFUL. If you are looking for a low-key, back-to-nature escape, sleeping under the stars I'd highly recommend it.

The following week, I nipped to Porto in Portugal to check in on our new collection production and finalise everything for our next AW25 range. YES, we work that far ahead! This is my excuse for sometimes forgetting what year we are ‘actually’ in, as we work at least one ahead at all times. We are starting work on the SS26 collection soon!
Over one slow weekend between travelling I was fortunate to see Roxie Nafuosi live in Manchester with a good friend, which was just the grounding tonic I needed amongst all the activity. If you don’t follow her I'd suggest looking her up. She’s very inspiring.

The final stop of the month was New York, where we showed our SS25 collection to wholesale partners at the beautiful D&A trade show in Chelsea. I'm so happy to say that it was a huge success. We spent a few days before the show visiting some of our favourite NY boutiques followed by three busy days showing the range to the loveliest buyers in America.
Between the work, we did enjoy many tasty meals, a trip to the theatre in Times Square to see "MJ, The Musical" and a few delightful rooftop swims.

I shared lots of snippets throughout the month on Instagram, and I love watching everyone else’s life updates in return, but for September in particular, what you saw on social media was certainly just the 'highlights', and behind the squares, there were plenty of much less update worthy tasks taking place!
I hope you had a beautiful September too and that you are looking forward to all that Autumn has to offer. Whilst I love the warmer months, I am super excited about our new collection and can’t wait to be pottering about in our knit sets in the coming weeks.
All my best wishes,