This April, we’re teaming up with the amazing organisation Fashion Revolution to raise awareness of the true cost of fashion and promote the fact that a change to ethical fashion is possible! Read more to see how you can join us in creating a much more sustainable future...
Friday 24th April marks this year’s Fashion Revolution Day but also the 2 year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh where over 1133 innocent lives were lost and over 2500 injured. Now every April, Fashion Revolution and many independent brands work together to celebrate all those who contribute to fashion as a positive influence. Beaumont Organic along with Fashion Revolution and various other contributors are working to reform the process of business within fashion so that the life of any human being remains superior and priority to that of any materialistic item.
This year, as our contribution to the cause, we’re donating 20% of all profits made from every one of our ‘Cayla Organic Cotton Circle Print Tshirts’ to Fashion Revolution to keep making these changes and promoting ethical fashion.
Click here to shop the Cayla Organic Cotton Circle Print Tshirt and click to find out how you can get involved with Fashion Revolution.